Privacy Policy: Brass for Africa - June 2018
How we use your personal details
Brass for Africa Music Publications is a division of the registered charity Brass for Africa. The purpose of this division is to raise funds to support the mission of Brass for Africa. We rely on the support of private individuals like you in purchasing our products so that we can continue to support Brass for Africa in its aims. That is why we
want to be completely transparent about why we need the personal details we request when you
engage with us and how we will use them.
The money raised through our fundraising and sales is used to transform the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in Africa through music education and life skills training.
Privacy Policy
When we will get in touch
When you give us your personal details - for example when you purchase one of our products on
line, call our customer service team, visit one of our roadshows, sign up for a newsletter or e mail
updates, sign up to Gift Aid, ; you may receive follow up information from us relating directly to this activity, including how your support is helping Brass for Africa.
If you have provided us with consent to use your details for marketing purposes, then we may also
contact you about offers, new products fundraising activities and other ways to support us. We many also send you electronic or hard copy letters orcatalogues where we think you would not object, and when you purchase goods from our on line stores retail or roadshow outlets. We provide easy ways to stop our marketing and you can opt-out
at any time.
Your support is important to us and those whom Brass for Africa extends help to. We always act on your instructions and aim to put you in control of your relationship with us. Our aim is to communicate with you in a way that makes you want to stay involved with us for as long as possible, to make a difference and see the impact and value of support.
We will not share your data with third parties
Please be assured that you will not receive offers from other companies or organisations as a result of giving your details to us. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties.
We may need to share limited information with our service providers who help us prepare and send you communications or process your donation or product order. However, we do not allow these organisations to use your data for their own purpose and take care to ensure that they keep your data secure and delete it when it is no longer needed.
How to stop or change how we communicate with you
If at any time you wish to stop or change how we communicate with you, or update the information
we hold, please do get in touch using one of the following options
ï‚· Write to Brass for Africa 65A Oxford Road, Wokingham, Berks RG41 2YH
ï‚· E Mail
ï‚· Call 07503 197064
You can opt out of our e mails by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our messages.
What details we ask and why
There are minimum levels of information we need to obtain for different purposes-such as donating
clothing or ordering goods from our web sites or catalogues. We always ask you name and title so
we know how to talk to you. We need your e-mail address which is mandatory on all our web sites.
We will separately seek your permission to use this for our wider marketing communications.
You can state your preferences for contact by methods such as
E mail Yes/No
SMS Yes/No
Phone Yes/No
Post Yes/No
We ask for your house number and postcode so that we hold a valid postal address for you. This is
needed for the following reasons
ï‚· To deliver items to you
ï‚· To receive post from us if you have agreed to marketing material
ï‚· To Claim Gift aid
ï‚· To take one off card payments if that option is your payment method when ordering goods
In order to ensure that the data we hold about you is accurate, we may occasionally use information
sources that are in the public domain to verify your details, such as your postal address. Where you
have given permission we may send you information which we believe you will be interested in.
ï‚· You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data
Protection Act. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to us at the above address
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you
agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a
particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web
application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering
information about your preferences.
We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about
web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this
information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.
Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages
you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any
information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but
you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you
from taking full advantage of the website.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised
access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to
safeguard and secure the information we collect in managing our relationship with you.